January 8, 2025
BY Red Cat Holdings, Inc.
The John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences (UND Aerospace) has entered a one-year partnership with Vigilant Aerospace Systems to utilize the company’s drone safety software and airspace management system FlightHorizon. A memorandum of understanding was signed late last year to formalize the agreement.
Elbit Systems Ltd. has been awarded a contract worth approximately $60 million to supply its multi-layered Counter Unmanned Aerial Systems (C-UAS) to a NATO European country. The contract will be performed over a period of 3 years.
Senator John Hoeven announced that the U.S. Space Force has awarded a nearly $10 million contract modification to General Dynamics toward the company’s efforts to advance the Space Networking Center and satellite mission at the Grand Forks Air Force Base.
heliguy™ has obtained an Operational Authorisation to operate drones BVLOS in an atypical air environment (AAE).
Latest flight trials take the British-built PHASA-35 High Altitude Pseudo Satellite (HAPS) a step closer to operations in the stratosphere.